Let's make Africa brighter

A new approach to education in sub-Saharan Africa


Securing Africa's Future

An Innovation in African Education


Our mental Blindness

The world that you and I grew up in prevents the African mind from growing the attitudes that are critical to development. The absence of these attitudes in the African mind-set denied you, me and the rest of the Africans the right thinking for the country’s development. The absence of this right thinking rendered us mentally blind with regard to our country’s development.

Its Impact

Since it is not possible to correct the mental blindness we suffer from, which is described above, we end up failing one generation after another, and in one country after another, to move our societies out of poverty and underdevelopment. The only way out is to prevent the upcoming generations from becoming mentally blind, i.e. what this education intervention is about.

Your Role

Purchase a slot for your recognition; the slots support the rolling out of this intervention.

Book 1

Dr Kip began the day’s learning session by asking Ariko’s children whether they knew God.
“Obviously, we know God,” Clare replied and the rest nodded in agreement.
“What separates humans from God?” Dr Kip asked another equally puzzling question.
“Can you compare the two?” Rita sounded surprised.
“I’m asking about the difference,” Dr Kip insisted.
“God is Spirit, and He is all-loving,” Rita answered; her siblings shared other views about God and he thanked them for the impressive responses.

“In my view,” Dr Kip said thoughtfully, “the fundamental difference between human beings and God lies in the way Mother Nature responds to each of them. God just talks and wow!, Mother Nature listens and acts as told. But this is not the case with human beings! Mother Nature does not obey them on simply hearing their words! She listens and obeys them through science………”

The book 
This story and its complementary online resources nurture the right thinking for science-led development in learners of Years 1 – 3 of secondary school, regardless of whether they are sciences or arts inclined.

To equip secondary schools in your country with this book, contact us here. 

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Book 2

“The admission into university had turned Richard into a hero in the home; his aunt practically adored him. He had set an example that she wanted all her children to emulate, namely studying up to university. To be fair, this was a dream of nearly every parent in the area; having a child at university elevated the family status. It was of little surprise therefore that the stubbornness of Eric, Ariko’s first child, ended up causing a lot of uneasiness in the family.……..”

The Book 
This story and its complementary online resources nurture the right thinking crucial not only at recognising the country’s path out of underdevelopment, but also at  pursuing it persistently. It is for earners who are midway secondary school.

To equip secondary schools in your country with this book, contact us here.

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Book 3

At 8.45 a.m., Mr Mvui led Ariko’s children into the learning room. After exchanging greetings, he began the session by observing, “Your country, like others elsewhere on the continent, is aggressively embracing information and communication technology (ICT).”

“African countries,” he continued, “are promoting ICT with the conviction that it will transform their economies. For this to happen, however, the people of this country, and indeed elsewhere in Africa, must seize and make use of the ICT era, instead of the other way around.” Eric murmured something but Mr Mvui didn’t get what he said. When he looked at Rita, however, Mr Mvui saw someone at a loss………….

The Book 
This story and its complementary online resources nurture the right thinking for knowledge-led development in learners of high school. 

To equip secondary schools in your country with this book, contact us here.

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Book 4

When Mr Mvui arrived in the morning, at 8.45 a.m., the seminar venue was packed to almost full capacity. The students were now on their way into the working world, where jobs were very difficult to come by. Indeed, to most students, thinking in terms of gainful employment was being unreasonable! The best that they hoped for was any kind of job that came their way. But even with this ‘painful’ compromise, hardly anyone was certain of a job; this largely explains the big turnout that greeted Mr Mvui that morning……..

The Book 
This story and its complementary online resources nurture the right thinking for a country’s inclusive growth in the learners of tertiary institutions. 

To equip tertiary institutions in your country with this book, contact us here.

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Purchase a slot on our Heroes list

The slots support the printing, distribution and promoting effective use of these story books and their complementary online resources in schools and tertiary institutions, to achieve a generational effect through universal access and use.

There are three slots to choose from:


First Slot

The first slot costs USD 10 or the equivalent in local currency. It shows your name and address as one of the heroes behind saving our children/grandchildren from absolute subjugation and enslavement.

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Second Slot

The second slot costs USD 35 or the equivalent in local currency. It shows your name, address,  occupation and personal message as one of the golden heroes behind saving our children/grandchildren from absolute subjugation and enslavement.

NB. Do not include characters (commas, full stops, etc.) in the fields of the payment form,


Third Slot

The last slot is for businesses, companies, organisations and other entities and costs USD 350. It shows the name, address, product/services offered, as one of the businesses/organisations behind saving our children/grandchildren from absolute subjugation and enslavement.

NB. Do not include characters (commas, full stops, etc.) in the fields of the payment form,

Education tools

These educational tools are new and unique for schools in sub Saharan Countries.

Contact Us

P.O.BOX 1430, Busitema University, Mbale, Uganda
Tel. No. (256) 755-510397

Watch the video to recognise the problem